Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Accidental Chinese Hipsters

Check out this hilariously amazing website called Accidental Chinese Hipsters.  My life is complete.

Another phenomenal photo and story have been sent to me through the Internet ether from SF, perhaps transported by tiny, fat, Chinese boy cherubs.“The guy on the right is my friend Simon Tam, the lady on the left  is a random lady in San Francisco’s Chinatown. Simon saw this woman and  asked if he could take a picture with her. Funny thing about this story  is that Simon posted this picture on Facebook and her granddaughter, who  is also a camper at the YMCA where Simon serves as an advisor,  commented on his pic, correspondence below:”
Thanks to submitter  Andrew Lee and Simon “Die Low” Tam for this one. There is a lot of inter-generational love, understanding and teasing going on here, and to me that’s one of the most special things about Asian culture. Filial respect isn’t just about obedience, it also means including parents and grandparents in the playful side of life. Now, will someone please explain to me if “dah-ma-jerk” is some kind of freestyle rap contest or what?
math + rappers = mappers? 

so good.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011


June 8th through 12th, 2011

Istanbul is East meets West at its best (as you may have noticed, I'm a huge fan of this juxtaposition).  So much history and so much life: people are much more convivial here than they were in Athens.

the hagia sofia
inside. dizzy yet?
More pictures after the jump!

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Friday, June 17, 2011


June 5th through 8th, 2011

A place to beautiful, it needs few words :)

view out my window. not too shabby, hm?

More pictures after the jump!