Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Samsung Galaxy S launch

Tonight, Samsung hosted its US launch of the Galaxy S at the Skylight West in New York City.  One of my editors at Seventeen originally got invited but couldn't make it, so she sent two interns in her stead--I was lucky enough to be one of them!

The event took place at Skylight West, a beautiful venue on the western edge of the Garment District.  After checking in at the desk and a short wait, the presentation began with a short speech by the Director of PR, followed by an overview of the new features by the Chief Strategy Officer.  Find an overview of all the fancy new specs here
Presentation by the head of PR

Friday, June 25, 2010

Big Apple!

I know, I know:  it's been 3 months since I last posted, but summer is underway and I'm spending it in New York!  I have been here over a month already, but it took me a while to get settled into my new life and to feel like I'm moving with the rhythm of the city.  I'm not traveling a lot this summer, but I know New York has been and will be just as exciting!

A few pictures of the city to start--I have to play Asian tourist just a little bit :)
 Times Square

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

GUDC photo shoot

Spring is everywhere in DC, and as March comes to an end (already! how scary), it also means that the semester-ly GUDC show is coming up.  Our publicity director Lane put me in charge of taking a few photos for it, and I thought I'd share.  The day was gorgeous, and the lovely Erica made shooting easy.  Check out the results below:

More pictures after the jump!

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Oh, and PS...

...I got the internship at Seventeen magazine!  NYC, here I come!

Spring Break

After weeks of post-Snowpocalyptic bliss/annoyance/anticipation, it's finally here:  Spring Break 2010!  I am sad to report though that, in very un-Wendy fashion, I am not going anywhere exciting this week.  Instead, I have been working like crazy at Georgetown Cupcake in order to make back some of that money that I spent traveling last semester.  Reality has finally caught up with me :)

This week has been g-o-r-g-e-o-u-s down here in DC, a real change from the snow that had been lingering on the ground, taunting us every time we stepped foot outside.  It just wouldn't melt!  No wonder though, with how much was on the ground:
My beautiful house!

Check out more pictures after the jump!

Friday, February 19, 2010

New York City, and other musings

It's been a while since I have posted on here...I got so busy with class and actually enjoying life that I forgot to write about it :)  I will try to post some things retroactively about other experiences, because there is so much more I got to see and do!

I'm currently sitting in a Starbucks on 57th Street in New York, trying to calm my nerves a little bit before my interview with Seventeen Magazine.  I got in last night and will end up being in the city for less than 24 hours, which is a shame.  I wish I had more time to enjoy this amazing city...but if I get this job (knock on wood!), I'll have a whole summer to live life in the Big Apple.

I'm also going to start posting more about Washington, DC on here.  We just lived through a huge snowstorm last week, which people have dubbed everything from Snowpocalypse to Snowmageddon.  I have some great pictures from that so those will go up soon!

In other news, I've also started tweeting.  I got it first to follow all of the wildly interesting people and organizations out there that are trying to put their message out.  On the eve of my 20th birthday (I'm getting old...!), I decided that it would be fun to share little blurbs here and there as I try to land on my feet.  Follow me at @wendyhaslanded if you want :)

So nervous and excited for the interview.  Fingers crossed!