Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Singapore I (Little India)

I know I'm in Hong Kong right now, and I'll definitely get around to posting about it (promise!), but I had an awesome weekend in Singapore and needed to share :)

The trip was sorta impromptu--booked the tickets 3 days before I left.  I had heard about the Formula 1 Grand Prix taking place in Singapore when I was interning at Porsche this summer, but I didn't think I wanted to go until about 2 weeks ago when I kept seeing more and more things about it.  My friend Hunter was crazy enough to say "yes" to 1. a trip on such short notice and 2. to buying F1 tickets off of Craig's List, so off we went...

...and it. was. amazing.  Singapore is such a multicultural city; we walked down one street where a mosque stood next to a temple which stood next to a church.  Because there was so much awesomeness packed into one city, I'm gonna start with the part of town in which our hostel was:  Little India!

The streets of Little India, by night.  All the decorations are for Deepavali, the festival of lights, which will take place mid-October.

The highlight was definitely Sri Veeramakaliamman Temple (try saying that 5 times fast...):
Outside Sri Veeramakaliamman Temple in Little India

All the shoes lined up at the entrance--one is only allowed to enter barefoot

We expected it to be very tourist-y, but not at all--it was buzzing with devotees praying and performing various Hindu rituals.  I didn't want to be intrusive and tried to be discreet about taking pictures, so they're not of the highest quality, but you get the idea...

Ceremonial milk pouring

Waiting to receive blessings

The entire place was very ornate and colorful.  I don't know much about Hinduism, and this was probably one of the best crash courses on Hindu rituals I could have had.

Of course we had to get ourselves some delicious (and cheap!) Indian food--yum!  We decided our best bet was to find a place where lots of locals where eating, and we couldn't have been happier with our choice:

Hunter, with our food and a fresh coconut.  He'd never had one before.

 More to come soon :)

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