Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Singapore II (Chinatown & Sentosa Island)

So I'm still not over how diverse Singapore is--everyone kept telling me that it would be just another Hong Kong, but it was definitely different.  This is gonna be more about the country itself; the next post will be about the Formula 1!

We took a little walk through Chinatown (yes yes, I realize we came from China), and, ironically, the first place we went was a mosque.  My attire wasn't quite appropriate for the mosque, but they have a closet full of traditional robes that they happily lent to me so we could go inside.  I felt very cool but very sweaty in it, and in all my efforts to not overheat I forgot to take pictures.  Sad face :(  We just kind of wandered through the streets and found a man selling ice cream sandwiches--literally blocks of ice cream on colored bread--and decided to give them a go.  I love ice cream, and I love bread, but I guess I'd never thought to put them together...it was yummy, though kinda odd.  Hunter got a brain freeze after one bite so I got to eat most of it while we walked through the Chinatown Night Market by day :)
Enjoying my ice cream sammy
The market

The Buddha Tooth Relic Temple is in the middle of Chinatown--it's huge, and it's beautiful. Again, it was not nearly as tourist-y as we expected and fully functional; we caught the tail end of some ceremony with lots of chanting and candle lighting.
The temple 
The end of the ceremony 
Each god watches over the people born under a certain zodiac sign
 On Saturday, before heading over to the race, we took a little trip to Sentosa Island.  They're turning it into a sort of Disneyland/amusement park place, so there was lots of construction, but we still got to climb atop the Merlion (Singapore's mascot, half lion and half fish), got a great view of Singapore and the surrounding waters from the Tiger Sky Tower, and dipped our toes into the Straits of Singapore!  The weather was absolutely gorgeous.
In front of the Merlion 
Crazy construction in front, the harbor/shipping yard in the middle, and Singapore skyline in back
 Weather forecasting stone...I thought it was funny
 Pretty pretty place

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