Sunday, November 1, 2009


I can't believe it's November already--that means I only have a month and a half left here...yikes!  The high of 32C today really doesn't help convince me it's November either...

Yesterday was Halloween, and Hong Kong definitely celebrates.  The most famous bar and nightlife district here is Lan Kwai Fong, which spans a few blocks in the middle of Hong Kong island.  I had heard lots of rumors about the LKF Halloween celebrations, but once we got there, I realized that I had no idea what I had gotten myself into...find out more after the jump!
A sign pointing the way in case you didn't trust the crowds pouring in a particular direction.  Police was regulating pedestrian traffic all night.

It was a sea of people.  Kids and adults, in costume and without.  Many hobby photographers came just to snap pictures of the happenings, crowding around people in cool costumes and snapping away like the paparazzi.  Because we were moving (slowly!) in a big group of girls in costume, we got a lot of pictures snapped of us too and kind of felt like superstars. 

We found Waldo(s)!
Strangers were taking pictures with each other all over the place--there were definitely some great costumes:  odes to the late Michael Jackson, the stereotypical playboy bunnies, a random guy in a green full-body nylon suit, and lots of Westerners trying to be "Asian" in silk robes and hats.  One of my favorites was Nicole's:  swine flu!
Nicole's witty swine flu costume, and Thomas as what we decided is supposed to be a fox
This night definitely wins the award for my best Halloween to date--what an epic night.
One more crowd shot.  Crazy.

1 comment:

  1. Haaaaaahahaha swine flu. That's pretty damn smart. Props to our people for doing Halloween right, eh?
