Sunday, November 8, 2009

The Peak

I guess it's about time I post about Hong Kong itself, hm?

There's probably no better place to start than Victoria Peak, the highest point on Hong Kong island at 552m (thanks, Wikipedia!).  I had been there back in September on a trip organized by the university for us exchange students, but that trip was on a hot sunny day and we were told that the view is even more stunning at night.  Read more after the jump...
Made a friend up on the Peak
The first time up to the Peak, we had a bunch of tour buses that took us up there.  Even though it was really sunny and there was no shade, being up so high meant that there was some wind to cool us off in the sweltering heat.
Back in September:  Emily (one of my roommates), Liz and I with our hair flying like crazy
In Hong Kong, it's really easy to get used to being amidst all the tall buildings and not being able to see far in any direction, so a trip up to the Peak provides a refreshingly new perspective on things. It's kind of exhilarating to be taller than all those imposing skyscrapers.
View of HK by day...
...and by night!
So a few days ago, John and I decided to do the Peak at night and to take the old tram up to the top.  The whole thing was oddly romantic, even though there also seemed to be a lot of businessmen taking foreign visitors up to Victoria Peak after work. 
The tram
Myself, John, and the backs of who I'm sure are some important people
After taking in the view and strolling around for a bit, we found a restaurant (not with a view, those were a tad too expensive--we're college students on a budget, after all) and had a nice meal before we got a tad chilly and decided that it was time to head back to CUHK.
The highest restaurant in the Peak Tower is--drum roll please--Bubba Gump!  I was highly amused by this sign

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