Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Thailand I (Bangkok)

Thinking back on my time last semester, I'm extremely disappointed that I didn't finish blogging about the rest of my trips.  I've decided that I'll still post some pictures and comments, even though it's been a few months.

John, Matt, and I went to Thailand in November.  We only had about 4 days, so we decided to fly into Bangkok and stay there a few nights before taking the train up to Ayutthaya, the ancient capital of Thailand, and spend a few nights there before returning to Hong Kong via Bangkok.

Some highlights:
Food!  Street-side vendors selling everything from fresh fruit to Pad Thai--it was all cheap and it was all delicious.
 Fresh fruit, cut on the spot into a delicious fruit salad

 Dinner: spicy squid salad and a Singha

Smiles!  They call Thailand the "Land of Big Smiles" and I couldn't agree more.  Cab drivers would have a big apologetic grin on their faces when we tried to wave them down and they already had a passenger.  Try telling this to a cabbie in New York City.
 Even the mannequins sported big toothy smiles

Tuktuks!  I first fell in love with these when I saw Bangkok Dangerous, a terrible Nicolas Cage film that features an awesome tuktuk chase.  These were our transportation of choice--cheap, convenient, and fun to ride in.
The tuktuk
Riding through Bangkok at night

 Sights!  Of course we saw a bunch of the big touristy things around Bangkok.  Gorgeous.
 Wat Arun
 Wat Pho, aka the Reclining Buddha (he was huge!)

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