Friday, May 27, 2011

Life is Nuts.

It is!  Absolutely NUTS.  This is why:

1. As of last weekend, I am officially a graduate, cum laude, of the McDonough School of Business at Georgetown University with a double major in Marketing and International Business.  Sounds fancy, doesn't it?  I'm an alumna!  Can you believe it?  Fun fact I learned upon graduation: an alumnus is a male graduate, an alumna a female graduate.  When there are multiple of us ladies, we're alumnae, but as soon as there's one boy, we're alumni.  Oh English language, how you never cease to amaze me.

2. As of Tuesday, I have been apartment hunting and car searching with my dad in Pittsburgh.  So adult!  I don't think I'm ready.  The idea of having my own ride is pretty awesome (did Jason Derulo's "Ridin' Solo" just pop into your head too?).  The idea of driving in Pittsburgh with all its hills and bridges after 4 years of not having driven a car, not so much. 

3. As of tomorrow, I will have signed my first lease ever.  Ready or not, here it is: adult life.  Dun dun dun.

I haven't even completely figured out how I feel about having left Georgetown.  I know it's not good bye forever, but I do feel a strange sense of finality.  It's the end of an era--my friends and I will never return to the Hilltop quite the same way, living and learning there together like we have been the last 4 years.  Instead of being sad, I'm trying to keep calm and think about everything one step at a time.  I'm focusing on the excitement of my new life and job, and the adventure of going on vacation in Greece and Turkey by myself for the next two weeks.

For all you other grads (high school, college, or otherwise) out there, how are you dealing with this momentous time in your lives?  On a different note, any pointers for can't-miss places in Athens, Santorini, or Istanbul?

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