Friday, May 27, 2011

(Summer) Travels

Starting tomorrow, I will be doing fun things! 

Dillo Day at Northwestern with my friends Peter and Danielle, and then quality time with one of my best friends from high school, Sarah.  PS: I play "Homecoming" on repeat on nearly every plane ride back to Chicago.  Thank you, Mr. West.

Renewing my passport!  Not necessarily so fun, but getting to practice my German.  I say that's a win.

EuroCup 2008
History, baklava, and spanakopita.

Reading by the ocean and enjoying spectacular sunsets, Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants-style.  Maybe I will find myself a beautiful Greek boy, too?

 movie still from NY Daily News

The whole East-meets-West thing has me giddy like it did with Hong Kong almost two years ago.  I'm saving my flowy dresses and loose pants for this part of the trip--I foresee a lot of delicious food.

I'm doing all this by myself, which has me excited and nervous all at once.  Any suggestions for places to eat, shop, or see in any of those cities?

1 comment:

  1. Just enjoy Santorini for everything... wander, get lost in the beautiful city, get to the beach too hehe. I ain't got specific suggestions, haven't been in a while, but you better be snapping pics like crazy! Talk to you when you're back stateside.
