Saturday, June 11, 2011


June 1st through 4th, 2011

Athens is a busy, lively city that is proud of its history and has a hopeful yet weary eye on the future.  The Acropolis protrudes at the center of the city, high above the surrounding buildings, and is a consistent reminder of the region's powerful past.  At the same time, everywhere I went megaphones echoed and students waived banners, demanding a new democracy in the wake of Greece's financial crisis.  The contrast between tradition and modernity is one that the whole city seems to struggle with, but this challenge is also what seems to give Athens its eclectic appeal--ruins and churches are scattered between international fashion stores like Zara and local hole-in-the-wall eateries selling €2 souvláki.

the parthenon
So much to eat, so little space in my stomach!  But you have to try it all.  
Koulori--bread ring (looks like a skinnier version of a bagel with a larger diameter) covered in sesame or filled with chocolate; great for breakfast
Greek yogurt--thick plain yogurt, best with honey
Frappé or freddo cappuccino--Greek version of cold coffee/cold cappuccino (not to be mistaken with a Starbucks frappuccino)
Baklava--layers of filo pastry and nuts (the walnut version was my favorite in Greece, the pistachio one reigned superior in Turkey) dripping in honey, best with a little cup of black Greek coffee
Souvláki--kebab meat with veggies, fries, and some sauce inside pita bread; cheap and filling lunch/dinner/snack
Greek salad--tomatoes, cucumbers, and capers, topped with feta

souvlaki--excuse me while I go clean up my drool

Obviously there is a lot to see.  I'll let the pictures speak for themselves.

things I need for my new apartment: bust of naked male chest, big wooden door with stone archway
 temple of hephaistos at the ancient agora
 view of the acropolis, and an easy game of 'where's waldo wendy' at the propyla on the acropolis
 on top of the world. view of athens from acropolis

Otherwise, my biggest recommendation is just to wander the streets--it remains my favorite way to see a place.
typical europe: national pride and cars squeezing through tight streets
 beautiful orthodox church
 i want this car
 church on the pedestrian street ermou
puuuuurtty flowers

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